Search for tag: "incident"

ImageTrend Training

From Kaltura Admin 0 likes 27 plays 0  

Diversity Summit 2021: Building Your Inclusive and Humanizing Teaching Toolkit | University of Denver

In this session, we reviewed humanizing pedagogy principles and dove deep into a set of teaching tools to support inclusive, equitable, and supportive learning environments for all students. This…

From  DU-Video-Publishers 0 likes 1 plays 0  

Hashtag: #Journalism Redefined - Session 4

Social media is quickly becoming the "go to" tool for communication professionals and public information officers. SM platforms allow for quick and easy-to-update information streams to…

From  Ethan Crawford 0 likes 0 plays 0  

Engaging Ideas - Dr. Cedric Asensio, Understanding Diabetes (Quick Take)

In this Engaging Idea, Dr. Cedric Asensio takes a cell's-eye view of diabetes and insulin and explores important research being conducted at the University of Denver.

From  Terry Zdrale 0 likes 11 plays 0