"Philip Hornbein, Jr. talks about his father, Philip Hornbein, Sr. He describes his father's parents, immigrants from Eastern Europe in the 1870s and his siblings, as well as his…
Archive Video?
Yes EventDate
May 9th, 1981
"Philip Hornbein, Jr. talks about his father, Philip Hornbein, Sr. He describes his father's parents, immigrants from Eastern Europe in the 1870s and his siblings, as well as his…
Archive Video?
Yes EventDate
May 9th, 1981
Lamont Composer's Series - 03-08-2015 Track: 2
Concert Date: March 08, 2015
Old filename: 2951.mp3
Lamont Opera Theatre - 05-24-2018 Track: 6
Concert Date: May 24, 2018
Old filename: 6765.mp3
Vocal Jazz Concert - 11-06-2018 Track: 8
Concert Date: November 06, 2018
Old filename: 8218.mp3
Ethical Issues Arising from Political and Regulatory ProceduresWhether at the ballot box or before City Council, land use processes are increasingly subject to the divisive political environment that…
March 24th, 2022 DepartmentProgram
RMLUI Western Places | Western Spaces Conference RelatedWebsite
No descriptions given for Museum of Western Colorado Histories. Title: DOW-Hunting/Fishing
No name or descrption given for audio from Museum of Western Colorado. Title: Monument/Uranium
Sam Menin Denver defense attorney describes attending Westminster Law School (which would later merge the University of Denver College of Law) at night while working during the day. Menin reflects on…
Includes tribal members she knew marriages divorces and inheriting. Fishing boats and personal security.
Mr. Lopez grew up in Petatlan Guerrero. He worked as a bracero in California Texas New Mexico and Arkansas picking tomato cantaloupe sugar beet and cotton. Activities he did from 1954 to 1962.
Archive Video?
Yes LicenseAgreement
Part of the Sound Model Project
Mexican Revolution including being a prisoner of Pascual Orozco. Coming to the United States as part of the Division del Norte. Work experiences at Fort Bliss ASARCO in California and South Texas and…
Archive Video?
Yes LicenseAgreement
Part of the Sound Model Project