LIS 4011 8.1.1 Demo: Wikidata Query Service
LIS 4011 1.5.1 IR Applications
LIS 4010 9.1.1 Categorization
LIS 4010 8.1.1 Subject Analysis
LIS 4010 7.2.1 Types of Controlled Vocabularies
LIS 4010 4.1.1 Metadata Design and Schema Selection
LIS 4010 3.3.1 Metadata Schemas
LIS 4010 2.4.1 Conceptual Models for Bibliographic Information (FRBR and LRM)
LIS 4010 2.1.1 Introduction to Resource Description and Retrieval
LIS 4000 10.6.1 Asking a Practitioner What Are the Issues?
LIS 4000 6.3.1 Professional Organizations in LIS
LIS 4000 5.4.1 Policies and Procedures
LIS 4000 4.7.1 Interview with Carrie Forbes
LIS 4060 9.1.1 Google Web and Reference
LIS 4070 8.1.1 MARC Fields, Subfields, and Indicators for Monographs
LIS 4070 2.1.1 MARC Leader