LIS 4010 10.4.1 Implementing Linked Data in Libraries
LIS 4010 10.2.1 Resource Description Framework (RDA)
LIS 4010 6.1.1 Encoding Standards and MARC
LIS 4010 5.3.5 The Process of Introducing New Subject Headings
LIS 4010 5.3.1 Authority Control
LIS 4010 5.2.3 Customized Template for Visual Resources
LIS 4010 5.2.2 Customized Template for Textual Resources
LIS 4010 4.3.3 Demo: GitHub Simple Dublin Core Generator
LIS 4010 4.3.1 Basic Dublin Core Template for Textual Materials
LIS 4010 3.2.1 Metadata Functions and Types
LIS 4010 2.2.1 A Brief History of Cataloging
LIS 4010 2.1.1 Introduction to Resource Description and Retrieval
LIS 4010 1.3.1 How Do We Organize?
LIS 4000 7.3.1 Examples of Library Technologies
LIS 4060 9.3.1 Google Books and Reference
LIS 4060 5.2.1 Database Structures