Charles Fish moved to Colorado in 1937 and worked in Blackhawk and Central City at the Bobtail tunnel on the Mammoth vein and at mines in Idaho Springs. Fish reflects on his career as a gold miner…
Vic Johnson was a superintendent for the Rolling and Finishing Mill at the CF&I Steel Corporation.Began working at mill at 12 1/2 years old. Tom Verde was foreman. Began at rail mill as door…
Isaac D. Williams was a coal miner and a fire-boss for the CF&I Steel Corporation. Researcher of Early History of CF&I from 1871-1903. Stared at CF&I at Willimsburg in 1899. Rockvale…
Isaac D. Williams was a coal miner and a fire-boss for the CF&I Steel Corporation. Researcher of Early History of CF&I from 1871-1903. Stared at CF&I at Willimsburg in 1899. Rockvale…
Will McShane was a coal miner for the CF&I Steel Corporation. Born Dec. 18, 1888. Father came from Ireland to Pennsylvania. At 11, he was working in mines in Kansas digging coal at $2.25 a day,…
Will McShane was a coal miner for the CF&I Steel Corporation. Born Dec. 18, 1888. Father came from Ireland to Pennsylvania. At 11, he was working in mines in Kansas digging coal at $2.25 a day,…
Senator Peter H. Dominick (R-Colo.) delivers his weekly radio address, Report from Washington, on Oct. 7, 1965. Sen. Dominick discusses topics including current economic problems in the gold and…
Congressman Peter H. Dominick (R-Colo.) delivers his weekly radio address, Report from Washington, on Sept. 16, 1961. Rep. Dominick discusses topics including the U.S. State Department's…