LIS 4011 6.1.1 The Answer Machines
LIS 4000 5.5.1 Common Roles
LIS 4070 8.6.1 Subject Analysis LCSH and Classification for Serials
LIS 4070 7.2.1 Classifying Monographs (DDC)
LIS 4070 7.1.1 Classifying Monographs (LCC and Cutter)
LIS 4070 5.5.1 Constructing LCSH Strings
LIS 4070 4.9.1 Specific Subdivisions for Monographs, Serials, and Media
LIS 4070 2.8.1 ISBD Punctuation
LIS 4015 10.4.1 Copyright
LIS 4015 8.1.2 Person-First Language
This reel contains Herbert Shore speaking at the University of Denver during the 1965 winter lecture series which ran from January 11-March 11. The topic of his lecture is the notion of protest in…