LIS 4011 3.6.1 Demo: Resource Description Framework Schema.org
LIS 4011 3.2.1 Relationship Types
LIS 4010 10.2.1 Resource Description Framework (RDA)
LIS 4010 7.2.1 Types of Controlled Vocabularies
LIS 4010 2.4.1 Conceptual Models for Bibliographic Information (FRBR and LRM)
LIS 4000 5.2.1 Common Ingredients of Library Resources
LIS 4070 3.7.1 RDA Toolkit Appendices
LIS 4070 3.4.1 Issues in FRBR and RDA
LIS 4070 3.3.1 Resource Description and Access (RDA)
LIS 4702 9.4.1 Keeping It Real: Collaborating with Schools
LIS 4702 5.3.2 Helping Others with Technology
LIS 4043 9.1.1 Marketing and Advocacy
LIS 4043 8.1.2 Interview with Natalie Caula Hauff