Lamont Opera Scenes - 02-10-2013 Track: 1
Concert Date: February 10, 2013
Old filename: 44.mp3
Lamont Opera - 4-16-2016 Track: 15
Concert Date: April 16, 2016
Old filename: 4236.mp3
Flex Ensemble - 05-20-2015 Track: 6
Concert Date: May 20, 2015
Old filename: 3270.mp3
Vocal Jazz Showcase - 05-25-2017 Track: 6
Concert Date: May 25, 2017
Old filename: 5052.mp3
Archive Video?
Yes DepartmentProgram
Languages, Literatures & Cultures
Zoom Recording ID: 85618115544
Meeting Time: 2022-05-09 07:43:47pm
How to write a proposal for an instructional design project? In this video I go through a lot of things that could be required. Keep in mind the correct proposal has all of the things that a client…
No descrptions given for Loveland Museum Gallery oral histories
No description given for Museum of Western Colorado Histories. Titles: Mack to Fruita
19th Century Traditional Song
Richmond discusses the life and experience of Mrs Vera Grossman Black in living around the Grand Canyon Railway arriving at the Grand Canyon with her father who was a conductor for the Santa Fe. She…
Mexican Revolution in which all of her brothers were killed. Came to the United States and dedicated much of her life to religious work including caring for orphans and the sick. Lydia Patterson…
Archive Video?
Yes LicenseAgreement
Part of the Sound Model Project