Donna Wickham - 03-08-2016 Track: 3
Concert Date: March 08, 2016
Old filename: 3970.mp3
Warren Conner describes his life in Aspen CO growing up in a mining family. Warren discusses his early recollections of mines and the work that his father and grandfather did in the early 1900s. …
Robert (Bob) McCannon came to Pueblo Colorado and CF&I in 1954 as a junior mine engineer in the mining department. In 1955 he went to Sunrise Wyoming as a mining engineer. Next McCannon went to…
Isaac D. Williams was a coal miner and a fire-boss for the CF&I Steel Corporation. Researcher of Early History of CF&I from 1871-1903. Stared at CF&I at Willimsburg in 1899. Rockvale…
Will McShane was a coal miner for the CF&I Steel Corporation. Born Dec. 18, 1888. Father came from Ireland to Pennsylvania. At 11, he was working in mines in Kansas digging coal at $2.25 a day,…
Will McShane was a coal miner for the CF&I Steel Corporation. Born Dec. 18, 1888. Father came from Ireland to Pennsylvania. At 11, he was working in mines in Kansas digging coal at $2.25 a day,…