LIS 4011 3.2.1 Relationship Types
LIS 4011 1.3.1 Fundamentals of Information Access
LIS 4010 10.1.1 Semantic Web
LIS 4010 7.3.2 Demo of the Thesauri Exemplar
LIS 4010 7.2.1 Types of Controlled Vocabularies
LIS 4010 7.1.1 What is Controlled Vocabulary?
LIS 4010 5.3.1 Authority Control
LIS 4010 5.2.4 Demo: GitHub Advanced Dublin Core Generator
LIS 4010 5.2.3 Customized Template for Visual Resources
LIS 4010 5.2.2 Customized Template for Textual Resources
LIS 4010 4.3.2 Basic Dublin Core Template for Visual Materials
LIS 4010 4.3.1 Basic Dublin Core Template for Textual Materials