Search for tag: "hamlet"

2015-11-19 Lamont Symphony Orchestra - 11-19-2015 - Track 2

Lamont Symphony Orchestra - 11-19-2015 Track: 2 Concert Date: November 19, 2015 Old filename: 3668.mp3

From  Lamont_Music_Group 0 likes 0 plays 0  

Hamlet - Richard Burton (Reel 1 / Side 1)

This reel contains a stage production of Shakespeare's Hamlet (acts 1 - 3). The performance contains musical interludes including "Pepperland" by George Martin. The box the reel came…

From  SCA-DCS-Owners 0 likes 1 plays 0  

Reed Bye Rotating Shakespeare: "Hamlet" Class 2 Part 1 1980 August 11

Reed Bye presents a second class on Shakespeare's "Hamlet" discussing the medieval view of the universe and the revolution of thought in the Renaissance the four humors and the four…

From  SCA-DCS-Owners 0 likes 0 plays 0  

Reed Bye Rotating Shakespeare: "Hamlet" Class 1 Part 1 1980 August 11

Reed Bye presents a class in the series Rotating Shakespeare on the play Hamlet. Bye describes the history of criticism on Hamlet and the origins of the Hamlet story then presents a cosmological…

From  SCA-DCS-Owners 0 likes 0 plays 0  

Reed Bye Rotating Shakespeare: "Hamlet" Class 1 Part 2 1980 August 10

Reed Bye presents a class on Shakespeare's "Hamlet." In this class Bye and the students continue their reading of "Hamlet" debating the timing of the seduction of Gertrude…

From  SCA-DCS-Owners 0 likes 1 plays 0