11:20duration 11 minutes 20 seconds
2019-02-26 Lamont Jazz Ensemble - 02-26-2019 -…
2019-02-26 Lamont Jazz Ensemble - 02-26-2019 - Track 3
Lamont Jazz Ensemble - 02-26-2019 Track: 3 Concert Date: February 26, 2019 Old filename: 8425.mp3
02:27duration 2 minutes 27 seconds
Emma Hutchins "When the Harvest Moon is…
Emma Hutchins "When the Harvest Moon is Shining on the River"
Folk Song
02:39duration 2 minutes 39 seconds
02:33duration 2 minutes 33 seconds
James Baxter Peyton "Gambling On the Sabbath…
James Baxter Peyton "Gambling On the Sabbath Day"
Temperance Song
14:12duration 14 minutes 12 seconds
CSPMs996-238. Tape 2.
Found in 'Voices and Visions: Pikes Peak Women of the Twentieth Century Oral History Project.'