Search for tag: "workload"

Provost Conference 2023 Day 2 - Yes...And: Sustainable and Scalable Approaches to Equitable Workload Reform

Often when we begin conversations about changing workload policies and practices, we find we have to balance a set of dynamic tensions. How can we add clarity to what is expected without reinforcing…

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From  Elise Brewer 0 likes 6 plays 0  

Next Steps in Advancing Equity in Faculty Workload and Rewards

After a welcome from Faculty Senate President Sarah Pessin, listen to Provost Mary Clark's remarks from the October 25th, 2021 All-Faculty Reception, "Next Steps in Advancing Equity in…

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From  Terese Rainwater 0 likes 86 plays 0  

Evaluating the Impacts of Covid-19 on Faculty Careers

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From  Terese Rainwater 0 likes 0 plays 0  

Evaluating the Impacts of Covid-19 on Faculty Careers

This panel features Dr. Joya Misra, Dr. Dessie Clark, and Dr. Ethel Mickey, members of the UMass ADVANCE Project, a NSF-funded project to support equitable career advancement in STEM. This…

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From  Terese Rainwater 0 likes 5 plays 0  

Provost Conference Speaker Series - The Post-Pandemic Professoriate: Equity-Minded Faculty Workloads by Design

The unequal distribution of faculty workload is one of the most important, yet least talked about, inequities that shape the experiences of faculty members within colleges and universities. In…

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From  Terese Rainwater 0 likes 69 plays 0  

SIP DU Path Breaking Panel Report on Higher Education

University of Denver trustee, Trygve Myhren discusses the process used by the University's Strategic Issues Program to study thorny public policy issues. In particular, he notes the positive…

From  Terry Zdrale 0 likes 3 plays 0