Lamont Opera - 11-02-2013 Track: 2
Concert Date: November 02, 2013
Old filename: 2914.mp3
Lamont Bluegrass Ensemble - 03-17-2019 Track: 13
Concert Date: March 17, 2019
Old filename: 8440.mp3
North Indian, Bluegrass, American Heritage Chorale - 03-06-2020 Track: 12
Concert Date: March 06, 2020
Old filename: 10964.mp3
No descrption given for audio from Museum of Western Colorado. Title: New Liberty
No name or descrption given for audio from Museum of Western Colorado. Title: School/Homemaking/Fruita
Interview with Ella Ladesma on the history of the village of Dona Ana New Mexico. The interview covers the Ladesma Barncaste Melendres and Wertheim families as well as their businesses and farming…