This is a short film students in the Introduction to Field Production and Editing class created for their final project. Students all start with a similar script but adapt the script and create a…
March 1st, 2014 DepartmentProgram
Media, Film and Journalism Studies
This is a short film students in the Introduction to Field Production and Editing class created for their final project. Students all start with a similar script but adapt the script and create a…
March 1st, 2014 DepartmentProgram
Media, Film and Journalism Studies
This is a short film students in the Introduction to Field Production and Editing class created for their final project. Students all start with a similar script but adapt the script and create a…
March 1st, 2014 DepartmentProgram
Media, Film and Journalism Studies
Kate Crowe, Associate Professor and Curator of the University of Denver’s Special Collections and Archives, leads a virtual discussion of “Woodstock West,” the University of…
May 5th, 2020 EventSpeaker
Kate Crowe
Ved Nanda
Sheila Schroeder
Jim Wagenlander
Thompson Marsh DepartmentProgram
Special Collections and Archives