LIS 4011 3.2.1 Relationship Types
LIS 4011 1.3.1 Fundamentals of Information Access
LIS 4010 8.2.2 Subject Access and Bias in LCSH
LIS 4010 7.2.1 Types of Controlled Vocabularies
LIS 4010 7.1.1 What is Controlled Vocabulary?
LIS 4010 5.3.5 The Process of Introducing New Subject Headings
LIS 4010 5.3.1 Authority Control
LIS 4010 4.2.1 Creating Metadata Records
LIS 4000 7.5.3 Information Literacy
LIS 4000 7.3.1 Examples of Library Technologies
LIS 4000 5.2.1 Common Ingredients of Library Resources
LIS 4070 10.4.1 IFLA Library Reference Model (LRM)
LIS 4070 5.3.1 Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH)
LIS 4070 5.2.1 Searching LC Name Authority File
LIS 4070 4.7.1 Bias in LCSH
LIS 4070 4.1.1 Introduction to Subject Analysis