Interview with Doug Tanner at the Max Tanner Ranch in Grouse Creek, 4 July 1985 (pt. 3): Reel to reel 1/4" 1/2 track stereo. High-frequency ringing pitch occurs in places, (tape on box mentions…
Part of the Soundmodel Collection
Interview with Merlin Tanner Grouse Creek 30 July 1985 (pt. 3): No log. Tail is cut off. Total duration: 14 minutes.
Archive Video?
Yes LicenseAgreement
Part of the Soundmodel Project
Winfred Kimber Family Home Evening Grouse Creek 29 July 1985 (pt. 2): No log. Top and tail cut off. Pops little clicks and crackles on tape. Total duration: 20 minutes.
Archive Video?
Yes LicenseAgreement
Part of the Soundmodel Project
Interview with Merlin Tanner Grouse Creek 30 July 1985 (pt 1): No log. Top and tail cut off. Total duration: 33 minutes.
Archive Video?
Yes LicenseAgreement
Part of the Soundmodel Project
Winfred Kimber Family Home Evening Grouse Creek 29 July 1985 (pt. 1): No log. Tail cut off. Pops and crackles on tape. Strange loud noises near beginning (~01:24). Total duration: 32 minutes.
Archive Video?
Yes LicenseAgreement
Part of the Soundmodel Project
Interview with Thelma & Wallace Betteridge Raida Kimber & George Betteridge at Raida Kimber's home (pt. 2): in Grouse Creek 16 July 1985: rodeo; religion; stories about Indian Jack and…
Archive Video?
Yes LicenseAgreement
Part of the Soundmodel Project
Duplicate of historic recording: Grouse Creek Orchestra (pt. 4): Muddy recording. Dub from another recording. Tape begins abruptly. Tape machine can be heard stopping/starting in between songs. …
Archive Video?
Yes LicenseAgreement
Part of the Soundmodel Project
Duplicate of historic recording: Grouse Creek Orchestra (pt. 3): Muddy recording. Dub from another recording. Tape begins abruptly and levels are varied at beginning. Tape machine can be heard…
Archive Video?
Yes LicenseAgreement
Part of the Soundmodel Project
Interview with Thelma & Wallace Betteridge Raida Kimber & George Betteridge at Raida Kimber's home (pt. 1): in Grouse Creek 16 July 1985: Reunion of Betteridge siblings Wallace (79 yrs)…
Archive Video?
Yes LicenseAgreement
Part of the Soundmodel Project
Duplicate of historic recording: Grouse Creek Orchestra (pt. 2): Muddy recording. Dub from another recording. Tape machine can be heard stopping/starting in between songs. Total duration: 32 minutes.
Archive Video?
Yes LicenseAgreement
Part of the Soundmodel Project
Duplicate of historic recording: Grouse Creek Orchestra (pt. 1): Muddy recording. Dub from another recording. Tape machine can be heard stopping/starting in between songs. Tape ends abruptly after…
Archive Video?
Yes LicenseAgreement
Part of the Soundmodel Project
Interview with Max Tanner on drive up Thomas Ranch in Nevada. Hal Cannon and Tom Carter interviewing. 11 July 1985: childhood activity; changes in roads fauna; ranching; fencing. NOTE: too much…
Archive Video?
Yes LicenseAgreement
Part of the Soundmodel Project
Interview with Harold Oman in Grouse Creek 9 July 1985: history; ranching; Yost; Park Valley; dances; Glen Bates Orchestra. Full-track mono tape digitized on 1/2 track stereo playback machine.…
Archive Video?
Yes LicenseAgreement
Part of the Soundmodel Project
Interview with brothers Max and Merlin Tanner at Max Tanner's home in Grouse Creek 5 July 1985 (pt. 2): more outlaw stories: Bolly Miller; Mormon Cowboy; Cotton Thomas Basin naming; mining.…
Archive Video?
Yes LicenseAgreement
Part of the Soundmodel Project
Interview with brothers Max Merlin & Monte Tanner at Max Tanner's home in Grouse Creek 5 July 1985 (pt. 1): family history; ranching; Brezeeze Ranch; Indians; Utah Construction; outlaw…
Archive Video?
Yes LicenseAgreement
Part of the Soundmodel Project
Interview with Doug Tanner at the Max Tanner Ranch in Grouse Creek 4 July 1985 (pt. 2): ranching; LDS Church ranch; Mormonism; civil and religious law; old and new church building. Hal Cannon and C.…
Archive Video?
Yes LicenseAgreement
Part of the Soundmodel Project