Title provided by cataloger. Recorded on March 31, 1994. Mrs. Palecek was born in 1912. Her husband in 1905. Married her husband in 1934. Rural Electrification Administration (REA) brought power to…
LIS 4000 10.4.1 The Dots of LIS
LIS 4000 4.6.1 Learning About Communities
LIS 4000 4.5.1 What is a Mission Statement and What is Its Purpose
LIS 4000 4.2.1 2600 BCE to Today
LIS 4000 3.4.1 Finding the Balance: Intellectual Freedom and Library Resources
LIS 4000 2.7.1 What Do the People Who Hire Librarians Think
LIS 4702 8.2.1 Guest Lecture: Services to Immigrants and Refugees
LIS 4702 1.2.3 Roundtable: What Are Public Libraries? Continued
LIS 4005 8.1.1 Introduction to Privilege and Equity in the Workplace
LIS 4005 4.1.1 Introduction to Diversity and Inclusion
LIS 4005 3.4.1 Finding and Evaluating Resources
LIS 4005 3.2.1 Race and LIS Implications
LIS 4005 2.3.1 Serving Your Community
LIS 4005 2.1.1 Getting to Know Your Community